I keep seeing some people that pounce on every thread about the recent
news to tell people to “calm down” and that “everything will be fine” or
even that this is a “good thing”.To those I want to say: No I will not.
No it will not and No it isn’t.I t...
http://store.steampowered.com/app/247120/Anybody know what exactly this
is? It apparently got released quietly yesterday for something called
"Creative Senz3D":Portal 2 Sixense Perceptual Pack enables players to
experience the Portal 2 world with low...
Hey, I’ve been scouring the web for all full games (past, present and
upcoming) I could find and verify that will have Oculus Rift support,
because the information wasn’t easily available anywhere in a
near-to-complete form and came up with this upda...
I got my Rift about a week ago and have been having some trouble with
setting the software side of things up for the best results since there
doesn’t seem to be a starting point for this, after having run a whole
bunch of demos and games I want to sh...
"Plink" wrote:This is exactly the reason for the importance of the
Facebook buyout. I seriously can't believe how shortsighted and
emotional everyone became over something that can now propel VR into the
end game.Oculus was nothing until that buyout....
"Calanar" wrote:It makes me shudder to believe anyone would subject
themselves to this. No one will, so it won't happen.The comedy videos
about this show how ludicrous it would be.Nobody thought that people
would just post up all their personal detai...
"ThreeEyes" wrote:If you listen to what he and Palmer are saying
(whether or not it's actually true), it sounds like Zuckerberg is just
another VR fan but one with the money to really affect the outcome as
well as an application idea to promote his b...
There's not that much worth to what Palmer is saying nowadays, for
instance this is an article from a mere month ago:
want to do things our way. There are...