Honored Guest
since ‎07-29-2013

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I keep seeing some people that pounce on every thread about the recent news to tell people to “calm down” and that “everything will be fine” or even that this is a “good thing”.To those I want to say: No I will not. No it will not and No it isn’t.I t... know what exactly this is? It apparently got released quietly yesterday for something called "Creative Senz3D":Portal 2 Sixense Perceptual Pack enables players to experience the Portal 2 world with low...
Hey, I’ve been scouring the web for all full games (past, present and upcoming) I could find and verify that will have Oculus Rift support, because the information wasn’t easily available anywhere in a near-to-complete form and came up with this upda...
I got my Rift about a week ago and have been having some trouble with setting the software side of things up for the best results since there doesn’t seem to be a starting point for this, after having run a whole bunch of demos and games I want to sh...