Hello,a few weeks ago I received a CV1 after backing the early
kickstarter and playing around with DK1. I tried a few games (mostly
Lucky's Tale, Eve Valkyrie and Farlands), watched reviews, and I read
online about existing apps and games.I'm interes...
LZoltowski said: @mbze430 I dont think the FPS model is quite VR ready,
your body expects for you to move while it perceives the world around
you moving. If you try and move at the same time as you move your stick
and mimic walking in a single spot, ...
edmg said: JakemanOculus said: First person movement is basically a
no-go for current VR technology.For you, perhaps. But I've spent more
time in Skyrim than anything else in VR.How long did it take for your to
get used to it?