Early-days VR has a new dimension, or a new paradigm. It's as if instead
of bringing the player into the game we can bring the game to the
player. The capabilities of the headset has to define what sort of user
interface design we eventually settle o...
What jobs could exist where the laborer is immersed in VR or AR? I'll
just throw a few into the air to get us going, and I'll edit this post
to try to build a more comprehensive list, giving proper credit.PLEASE
stay on-topic!EDIT 1, PAGE 1Great star...
I'm angry with the NSA so I spent about 60 seconds thinking about how to
screw their s**t up. Came up with a concept for full-body VR haptics
suits and quick-apply latex-like face masks. These would let you look
and act like your avatar IRL. The hapt...
I'm angry with the NSA so I spent about 60 seconds thinking about how to
screw their s**t up. Came up with a concept for full-body VR haptics
suits and quick-apply latex-like face masks. These would let you look
and act like your avatar IRL. The hapt...
be very surprised if Jolla doesn't get on board with this since it's
very similar to their 'Other Half' concept.So, what modules do YOU want?
A wild speculation appears!HRTF involves having a model for a human head
which refracts and attenuates sound. If we will be able to specify the
exact model, expand upon it to include not just the head but the rest of
the body too and further relate i...
"mrmonkeybat" wrote:Source please 8-) Can't find the comment by the
industry insider that tipped me off. I don't have something conclusive
but the pieces of the puzzle fit. Original research. "mrmonkeybat"
wrote:Unless there is a big processor on t...
13th lab apparently did develop a new camera. Nimble meanwhile does
skeletal tracking; not just hand tracking.Personally I could not be more
pleased with this deal since it closely corresponds to my own earlier
musings while the DK2 didn't. Skeletal ...
Nice work!The transparency of the hands in the Leap Motion demo really
stuck with me. There is probably a lot to develop with regards to how
one's hands are visually represented in VR. Did you get a lot of