I was finding using the rift in a family setting a bit of a burden with
the velcro adjustments to accommodate the kids to teenager to adult head
sizes so inspired by my hard hat and vive pro I tried something. Using
the head liner from a hard hat I f...
In the steam dashboard, the touch controllers and the xbox controller
seam to interfere with one another.I get this repetitive beeping like a
button is being held down...it occurs roughly 5 seconds after entering
the dashboard. Hitting any button on ...
Starting steamvr crashes my system to a hard reset. It occurs everytime
but if I uninstall steamvr, reboot the computer, reinstall steamvr it
runs fine the first time but then crashes to a hard reset the next time
I use it. The only way to get it to ...
Thanks, always wondered about this. I have seen on a few threads that
some people start steamVR games without letting the oculus software open
(not sure how they accomplish this)...would the same hold true in that
the 1.25 update worked but it prompts me for it everytime I start up
oculus.Also is seems that in dash on desktop, the touch trigger is not
recognized as a mouse click anymore
When using the tray tool I get ghosting in certain games...if I don't
use tray tool and set the oculus debug tool to the same settings
(pd;1.2, asw 45fps) I do not get the ghosting.