since ‎08-09-2018

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  • 18 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 10 Kudos received

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I’m trying to spawn a Cube as spatial anchor. But after spawning it drifts if I move physically. I’m add OVRSpatialAnchor after instantiating like this, _cube.AddComponent(); Please correct me if I have to check something on the build settings or som...
Dear Devs, My app has Rift and Quest support. I've created two applications in dashboard, one for Rift and one of Quest. I've also pasted the app IDs in the Platform and Avatars Settings file in Unity.Added a sample build to Rift application and Ques...
Dear Devs, My app has Rift and Quest support. I've created two applications in dashboard, one for Rift and one of Quest. I've also pasted the app IDs in the Platform and Avatars Settings file in Unity.Added a sample build to Rift application and Ques...
Dear Devs, I'm struggling with problem since a week. I use PUN 2 and Photon Voice to bring Meta Avatars 2 in a multiplayer environment. Below are my issues,1. When there is no Photon Voice setup in the scene, the Meta Avatars lipsync works perfect in...
Dear Devs, I'm struggling with problem since a week. I use PUN 2 and Photon Voice to bring Meta Avatars 2 in a multiplayer environment. Below are my issues,1. When there is no Photon Voice setup in the scene, the Meta Avatars lipsync works perfect in...