How would I go about messing with the perceived scale of the world? I
can make the player six inches tall, but from my understanding that just
makes it look like you're crawling on the ground, it doesn't actually
make things look bigger (I'll admit, ...
Assuming that the commercial version has the front cameras, or
alternatively that someone makes them as an aftermarket accessory, it
would probably be one side-by-side stream, right? I want to get started
on my AR application but I don't want to have...
Nix that, I thought you were talking about box art, you were talking
about cartridge labels. TheCoverProject might actually be a good place
to start. If they don't have them you could it would definitely be the
place to start a drive to collect them....
I knew that someone would do this eventually. And it's exactly what I
wanted to do but lacked the skill for. Down to the emulators appearing
as consoles and the roms appearing as cartridges or discs.I can't wait!