using Unity v5.6.3f1, Oculus Utilities v1.19.0, OVRPlugin v1.19.0,
Platform SDK v1.19.0, Avatar SDK 1.16.0How does one go about enabling /
disabling the base cone on a given avatar?also, should the pivot point
of an avatar appear at its eye level, or...
I'm running the social starter example between a gear VR and my Unity
editor. Unity v5.6.3f1, Oculus Utilities v1.19.0, OVRPlugin v1.19.0, SDK
v1.19.0.I'm finding that the character running on the PC has no cone of
light underneath, and spawns at the...
Having the same problem. unity 2019.3.12f1, oculus integration
v16.0Build and run is working properly on the quest, but sticking on 2/3
during the upload process.
I got my hands on a second Galaxy S6 / Gear VR SM-R234 and ran a test
with two androids (and no PC.) In this case both the local and the
remote avatars rendered up in the air rather than feet-on-the-ground. My
conclusions are that:* The HEIGHT_OFFSET...
So... the issue with the avatar height was reported here 2 months ago,
and no more information has been offered. And version 1.19.0 was
released without fixing it. That's discouraging.
I just want two players to join a match, and stand face to face. By
pivot point, i meant the transform position of the gameobject. Sorry
about that.It seems that when avatars render a base cone, it lifts the
rest of the body up by a couple meters. I ...