Hey everyone,Loving the new DK2, but having some friends over tomorrow
and would like to clone my desktop to either show the other people in
the room what my friends are looking at or, if there is streaming
software that will work, capture the game E...
"JIMWOLF" wrote:Just received a DK2 yesterday and noticed that both
images are rotated 90deg. so the images are laid sideways. Did not see
anything about this as a configuration variable, so thought I'd ask. I
tried it on 3 workstations, an XP, a Win...
"Jargon" wrote:I think Notch acted a bit rashly here, honestly. Sure,
pulling out of OR now it's been bought by FB sent a pretty strong
message, but it stinks of the kneejerk hate this whole shebang is
getting at the moment.It gives the other knee-je...
"Jossos" wrote:"Br0ken" wrote:Forum has turned into a kindergarten.
Crybabies everywhere! :xYes, I mean it's completely reasonable that a
data-mining company who's only game ever is farmville should now lead
the vr revolution. what are people complai...