This is a new-born company delivering a novel, high-tech product, that
didn't really exist a year ago, and you guys are crazy to be complaining
about relatively tame delays. It takes super-rich companies that do
high-tech products a year or more to g...
"Dysheekie" wrote:I'm still baffled that this guy can have so many
subscribers. He's so obnoxious, I couldn't watch for more than 30
seconds.Some people, by which I mean most of the internet apparently,
find obnoxiousness, sexism, and repetitive humo...
"geekmaster" wrote:So yeah, we may be living in VR already. We may be
the NPCs. Yeah, but you're all programmed not to believe it when us
PCs tell you. It would break the immersion otherwise.
It's easy to see this happening if the Init() method as given doesn't
succeed in the HMD device creation. You might want to use a debugger and
step through, or put some debugging output.
You guys know that over time production ramps up and not down, and that
number pre-orders ramp down and not up, right? I ordered in early June,
when it said August, and mine's apparently about to be processing. I can
see filling late July orders by l...