Hi Launchpadders!If we didn't get the chance to meet in person, my name
is Ashton Kennedy. I'm a filmmaker with 8 years of (2D) video production
experience in LA and Dallas. I am currently working on my MBA and have
been focusing my studies on innova...
Wrapped up my summer class last week which was part of a Student Startup
Accelerator. I got to pitch my start up concept at 1 Million Cups in
Dallas on Wednesday. My work in that class includes much what I've been
working on for my pivot for this pro...
My computer is still dead thanks to Apple's very awful repair system,
but I've found a computer I can borrow for the time being while I
continue to work on getting my computer fixed.Moving into education has
brought in some new challenges to begin re...
Update for Week 3 and 4Alright again I'm behind - WAY behindMy computer
died the end of last week and I have not been able to make much progress
at all. The LG 360 Cam has it's issues but I hope to have an edit cat
video montage up here shortly... Go...
ic3sixtycarol said: @aleemhossain @AshtonK I am very interested to hear
your results with this. I'm trying a very crude version of this by
filming with one DSLR in series... rotating 90 degrees and avoiding
movement along the stitch lines... @AshtonK...
@tanyalealsoto - wouldn't mind hearing more about your Vuse experience
and seeing the footage - feel free to email me at
ashtonnkennedy@gmail.com [WeTransfer is a good download link option]To
all - I'm currently working with the LG 360 Cam, and so fa...