I want to be fully transparent about how my build for Underdog came
about for this scholarship opportunity. I am 100% the idea man behind
it, but I should also tell you that I outsourced the Unity work to
someone else. I’ve never been one to take cre...
With the last post I kind of spoke to where the project of Underdog came
from- its motivation to bring it into being. Now I’d like to talk a bit
about what it is, and what I hope it can do. Underdog would be a module
based simulator so kids (target a...
Like the shirt? Me too Underdog- What is it and what is it about?I'm
taking a bit of a timeout on this post to give more of an overview of
what this game is, where it came from, and where I see it going- just so
I can share a bit of why I want to ge...
In case you're seeing one of my posts for the first time, I have a bit
of a structure to my posts where I typically deal with 6 areas related
to VR noob development, and development of my VR experience called
Underdog. The 6 areas are Scripting, Audi...
With my 7th entry I explained how the post was too long to include some
of the Immersive Experience information I wanted to, so I'm addressing a
lot of Immersive Experience points here. I'm also including some info
from a post I never got around to a...
I think this is an awesome solution @aprilarrg. One of the major
strengths I see within Squad Goals (besides I just love saying it;) is
that it allows you to work substantively within myth frameworks. A hero
never acts alone, they always need assista...