I am using the 0.7 runtime with the 355.83 nvidia driver on Windows 7
64bit. Most 0.7 demos work fine(Unreal & Unity) but a couple (so far
JanusVR and Sightline: The Chair - both recently updated to work with
0.7 and seemingly working for others) cra...
Knowing my DK2 will arrive in 1-2 months, I've ordered a Google
Cardboard kit from Dodocase.com (no hobby shops with the right lenses in
my area + laziness) and I can't wait How is it and how does it
compare to the DK1?
Not sure if this was mentioned, but this is Nvidia's answer to all the
drama:http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/nvidia ... pport.htmlWe'll just
have to see how well it compares to AMD's hardware solution
Config loghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Lbss ...
sp=sharingOVRServer LogHere are the two most recent ones from the last
hour:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Lbss ...
sp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Lbss ...
sp=sharingException Lo...
"guygodin" wrote:Alright, got another test build for those interested.
In this one, I've decoupled the capture from the rendering; this means
that you'll always get 75 FPS even if the capture can't keep up. This
should improve the experience consider...
"Tempered" wrote:It will never look as good in the rift as it does on a
nice monitor. But with a monitor you will never know just how awe
inspiring it is to look up at the sun from inside your cockpit while
cruising at 30km/s.Holy shit thisAll I coul...