Just a fun little thing that's been catching my attention a bit more as
of late. I don't know about your set ups, but I keep my Oculus DK2
camera mounted on top of my monitor at around eye level. When it's in
use in the dark, the mirror like quality ...
Supposedly, 2015 will bring about the coming of 4k/UltraHD in phones and
even more powerful hardware to further improve our ability to render to
keep up with this. There have been a good few discussions on whether or
not the Rift CV1 will support thi...
Just a quick explanation of what the NerveGear is for the uninitiated:In
2012, the anime (Phrase for Japanese styled cartoons) Sword Art Online
was released, set in the near future of 2022 where in by a game called
Sword Art Online is being released....
I've been dancing around this question a bit in my VR musings and at
this point, I think just plain old getting a discussion on the matter
would be of some value. To start, I posit the question: "How do we want
to experience virtual reality?" With ga...
I've been working on a Virtual Reality rig design since last year and
plan on building it within this year, with the primary foundation being
the use of EMGs as the primary input method for the experience.
Essentially, the EMGs (Electromyograms) read...
Didn't they announce Project Cars as one of the launch line up games? If
you have it already, an update should be coming out adding in rift
support or at the very least, a download key for the Rift version I'd
I'll be upgrading my current PC around the time the Rift Launches,
though with the amount of upgrades I'm planning, I might as well get a
new PC (basically just the RAM, GPU, case and peripheral will remain).
Only the best for my VR experience! (my w...