since ‎08-10-2016

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I just updated my project to Unity 2019.3.13f1 and in the same move, updated the Oculus Integration package to newest from Asset Store (v16)Now I cant even hit framerate in my menu scene, because OvrManager.Update() is using 4-5ms of my frame time.If...
Hey everyone.Since we dont have hand tracking in-editor via Link (Guys please tell me this is coming, dont see how handtracking development will take off without it), I´m working on a small tool app to record and serialize hand poses for pose recogni...
Hello.Some info:Unity 5.5.0f3.Newest Oculus SDK UnityPackage (I dont see a readme.txt with version number or anything), at the time of writing.Newest OVRAvatar UnityPackage (same).I have been trying to debug a strange issue that I encountered when tr...
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