Cool! But, that chair does look like something Dr. Evil would have
doesn't it? All it needs is a space for a 'mini me' and your there!
Just a comfy chair and ergonomic desk is fine!
Markystal, thankyou. That was a really interesting and informative
video!Asside from the points you raise about NerveGear, the problem with
BCIs generally is that although inputs to the brain can be of fairly
high data rate (e.g. through the eyes), u...
Did you see these topics on this forum?1. Virtual Reality Lets Dying
Woman 'Walk' Outside Again
Interesting idea adder, reminds me of something out of the film 'The
lawnmower Man'. I'm not sure that this would be easy for most people to
accommodate and use. Also, the Oculus is not likely to be wireless for a
while yet due to limitations in the ...
"cybereality" wrote:I guess that would be technically possible, but I
doubt we will explore this option any time soon.Hi, is it because of a
cost issue, as it sounds like an interesting idea.