Hi all,does anyone have a solidworks model of the DK2 or technical
drawings?I want to develop some some accessories but haven't got my rift
on hand to put the callipers on it.Now that it's in the wild hopefully
OVR would be cool releasing something?C...
What would it be?Some of you have had the good fortune to get their
mitts on a rift for a while now and the rest of us are playing catchup.A
lot of the advice floating about may be redundant or actually bad now.So
you lucky people, give us new bloods...
The other thread with the (quite heated) debate about lens reminded me
of this guy.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_SilverI remember him
being on a UK Science show with his invention designed to bring
prescription lens to countries where not every...
One for the developers I suspect.Got some ideas for head mountings as
alternatives to ski mask straps.Is the any chance of getting plans with
measurements for the shell?Nothing confidential of course just the
outside that's already public knowledge.S...
Hang on a minute, i'm still trying to get 1.3 installed so can't check
for myself but is it true DK2 users can no longer adjust IPD?That's
insane and could lead to eye problems / headaches.Oculus I know the
"It's a dev unit" line absolves you from an...
Same issue here.Windows 10, DK2.First time installing the got as far as
entering my log in details then everything crashes to desktop.The OVR
Service Launcher (32bit) process is running.Tried disabling Anti virus
(kasperski), not using remote desktop...
If you're still taking requests....Could you add "disable other
monitors" to make rift primary?That's the only way I can get Alien
Isolation to display on the rift and not the main screen.