Our goal is to allow a user to capture screenshots in our app with our
custom camera tool, and have these screenshots appear in the Oculus
"Sharing" menu. Currently we have a custom camera tool in our app. We
are successfully saving the images we cap...
Hello fellow VR pioneers!Like a lot of others, we wanted to use Oculus
Avatars with the Universal Render Pipeline, but as many of you know,
this was not possible, so we set out to work.After weeks of development
we're finally ready to release our sha...
Hello! I've come across what I believe is a bug in the Meta Avatar SDK
v13+ Bug: “Bones do not match bindpose” error appears when using UNITY
skinning. Unity Version 2021.3.3f1Oculus Integration SDK v41OVRPLugin:
1.73.0Meta Avatar SDK v14. E...
Hey guys, we got tired of waiting for an update to this, so we spent the
time to fix this ourselves, hope it helps, we started a
Hey guys, we got tired of waiting for an update to this, so we spent the
time to fix this ourselves, hope it helps, we started a discussion
Hey guys, we got tired of waiting for an update to this, so we spent the
time to fix this ourselves, hope it helps, we started a
Hey guys, we got tired of waiting for an update to this, so we spent the
time to fix this ourselves, hope it helps, we started a discussion