Honored Guest
since ‎06-03-2014

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Hi,I have installed today runtime now I get an error if I want to run the oculus setup.I hope someone can helping me outThis is my log{ "Time": "2016-01-08_22:59:49", "SDK Version": "", "Service Protocol": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, "Pa...
Hi,that is a nice idea and the oculus is wireless 
Hi,since today I have troubles at MyNeighbourTotoro and CrystalRift troubles with my Mouse. After starting the Game iam turning around and around and dont know why...My SystemWin 64Rockat Kone xtdKeyboard NoNamei7 2600k
Hi,iam collecting some infos about the 3D vr drivers but I didnt know which one should I use, is Vorpx, Vereilo or tridef or which one Oo
Hi,I need to know which driver has the best results for the oculus rift dk 2, I was reading some tests but I dont know which one should I take -.-