Hello everybody,it has been a while since I last posted here and I
wanted to give you an update on what we've been doing the last one or
two years...We have come a long way... We've been equipping more than 20
parks worldwide where millions of people...
Hi there,we've been struggling and trying everything. Our Unity Gear VR
apps run much slower on the S7 than on the S6. Where we have 60 fps on
the S6, we barely get to 30 fps on the S7, which is totally weird.We
tried Unity 5.3 and 5.4, latest Oculus...
Hi there,I've been struggling for days now trying to read NFC tags in a
Gear VR Unity app. One of the problems is that you can't seem to change
the MAIN activity in the manifest when using the Oculus plugin. It's not
easy to bring an NFC plugin toget...
Hi there,I've searched the forums here and over at Unity, but found no
solution for this:I'm using Unity 4.6.3 on Mac (OSX 10.9.5) with Oculus
Mobile SDK 0.5.1 and when I test my apps on the Galaxy S6, the right eye
is always rendered with stuttering...
Check out our submission for the VR Jam, it's a VR Coaster ride we are
currently working on:http://vrjam.challengepost.com/submissi ...
vr-coasterThis VR ride is designed to work with our VR Coaster framework
on a real roller coaster (but of course i...
Hi TatT3D, this is really impressive! I can tell you we'd have a huge
interest from our VR Coaster clients to get these for their GearVRs!
Could we get in touch in this regard?
"gabster21" wrote:I'm having the same flickering issue in the right eye
as described above but with the Note 4. Running stock 5.0.1 rooted. Am I
using the correct build? Got it from the official VR Jam page
http://vrjam.challengepost.com/submissi ......
I finally found the reason for the right-eye-stutter-issue on the
S6!Thanks to cybereality, who gave me the right hint - you must force
Open GL ES 2.0 instead of 3.0 !Then it also works on the S6.I wonder why
nobody else had this problem, as Forcing ...
"cybereality" wrote:Are you using gles 3.0 by any chance? Can you try
forcing 2.0?That did it! I switched to Force GLES 2.0 and it works!
Thank you so much! I wonder why nobody else seems to have had this
problem. The original recommendations inclu...