since ‎03-30-2013

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The true shame of the shipping problems is that the other aspects of the Oculus launch have excelled my expectations. I've bought gaming systems since the original NES and I have never received three games at launch.The free games:1. Farlands was an ...
I must say the step by step setup oculus has to install the rift is amazing. Concise and thorough at the same time. I've installed all types of PC related hardware, components and etc. My job regularly regularly requires the use of hardware and softw...
Hello OculusThis is a selfish request. I am stuck here in Sunnyvale CA and my flight doesn't leave until 5:40. I thought hey Oculus HQ is just 20 min away but you guys are very busy. I'll be here in the valley on and off for the next year for busines...
With Nimlbe tech Oculus can provide these 3 basic options:1. Input with hands and fingers2. Basic VR wand-like controllers similar to the Vive3. Software that allows the user to scan in input devices. The first two are straight forward and have been ...
Recently Nvidia wrote, "For VR, we’re changing the way our GPUs work in SLI, with each GPU rendering one display." HTC/Valve's HMD has dual 1080X1200's which with the lower resolution run at 90Hz. If Nvidia's new SLI rendering mode scales close to al...
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