The Quest 2 Starter Guide:Final Release VersionWith 1440 Links on 126
pages!Finished 18-December-2021Now Available for
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Greetings from Fullerton, California!I started compiling a simple Quest
2 Starter Guide to give to my neighbors, as I know they will be
receiving one on Christmas Eve, but I got very carried away...What I
ended up creating, took many days and nights,...
Please work with Google to fix the issue so all of the Quest 2 demo
videos on Oculus dot com have proper audio again; as I'm not a fan of
Microsoft Edge...
This is a quote from: ...
/?sort=new"[Petition from wide/narrow IPD users] Oculus - Can we please
have access to lens separation in the SDK?As per this thread /u/BboyZA,
who makes the lens cup separators/narrowe...
For many Virtual Reality fans, the 1992 movie, "Lawnmower Man" set their
imaginations on fire; and still gets mentioned on most of the web sites
that discuss Virtual reality, as being one of the first of such movies
that got them hoping for this type...
Very Happy You Liked the document!Since I've just fixed the first
spotted error, please grab Version 2 that I just
Also, if you don't have a Google Chrom...
Already had to release a Version 2 to fix the first spotted
In reference to my "Latest Updates to VR Gallery Have Ruined Aspect
Ratio for Movie Files - Help Please Samsung/Oculus!" post above:Since I
have posted here on March 26, and on Reddit/GearVR on March 25 about
this new problem that has ruined my favor...
I too am now having the same problem, and I posted the following over on
Reddit/GearVR yesterday (25-March-2016) with no comments yet:Latest
Updates to VR Gallery Have Ruined Aspect Ratio for Movie Files - Help
Please Samsung/Oculus! The VR Gallery p...