I do have concerns, sure.But it seems pointless to ask questions here
about this whole thing, because all I get in return is a list of
requirements, instead of an actual answer explaining why Venues was
taken away from A LOT of people / regions. and ...
The problem with this, is that Venues was migrated to be within Horizon
Worlds.. So we now lost 'core functionality' because some of us bought
our Quest perhaps specifically to attend shows in Venues.By not letting
us access Horizon Worlds, we are es...
Hi,I actually ran into this as well, due to the replacement headset
being on old firmware.In my case I had to use the USB update mode to
update the firmware manually, after which it paired fine with the app.
It's an oversight on Oculus' part to send ...
Oculus replaced mine, well out of warranty ( launch unit ).I'd advise
you to have it replaced as well - the refurbed unit that they gave me
looks brand new so no problems there.
This is actually a battery issue, a friend of mine who had the same
issue, opened his up as he never used it anymore anyway. and the battery
was swollen. So by all means please do not charge it in USB-update mode,
as this could have undesired effects...