since ‎04-28-2013

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Can I confirm if Oculus is working to resolve any issues with logistics for countries outside it's current list.I've been an owner of a dk2 since Sept 2014, and have since upgraded to a gigabyte 980ti g1 for the cv1.Now I am slightly worried oculus m...
Gigabyte GTX 980ti G1 ... cost me an arm and a leg but I reckon its worth every penny, upgrading from the EVGA GTX 770 SC (2gb).Bring on VR! She's all installed and ready to pump out some frames.
I've tried to run the 0.7 demo scene and IPD measurement tool and get this error.Exception InfoException report file: C:\Users\gabri\AppData\Local\Oculus\Configuration Utility\Exception Report (2015-09-12 09.14.08).txtException minidump file: C:\User...
I've come back from a few months break from doing any serious VR gaming, and seen that we now have a CV1 release date (yay Oculus).I was curious if its mentioned anywhere about how they planned to deal with cable management with CV1, as an owner of t...
I've lost the ability to lean in/out in all demos including the Oculus showroom.Never had this issue before, I've tried unplugging things, trying different ports etc with no luck.The issue first presented itself today in Discover Space when the camer...