Hey guys,Just a heads up, a critical performance issue was recently
found in Oculus Plugin for UE 4.8 (the one that uses Oculus SDK
0.6.0.x). You may loose more performance than it is really necessary IF
the variable r.FinishCurrentFrame is set to 1!...
Happy New Year to everybody, btw!Ok, the first cut is in
GitHub:https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine/tree/4.7-npThis is
4.7-preview with re-factored plugin and improved (I hope) camera
control. I haven't added new Blueprint functions yet (like r...
Hey guys,Just a notification that new integration is published at
viewtopic.php?f=63&t=17714UE 4.5.1:
https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine/tree/4.5UE 4.6.0:
https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine/tree/4.6The main new feature
in 4.6.0 integrat...
Hey guys,Finally, it is here. Oculus SDK 0.4 integration with UE4 4.3
(July'14 QA) is released.Licensees can download the integration package
from our web-site (Developers -> Downloads). This integration will patch
the codebase up to 4.3.1.GitHub $19...
Hey guys. As many of you recently figured out DK2 and UE4 4.3 do not
work together if Oculus Runtime 0.4 is installed.We apologize for the
mess. I want to confirm that UE4 4.3 is indeed DK2-ready. The problem is
the new 0.4 Runtime that unfortunately...
Ok, I see what happened. The gamepad extensions got turned off by
default, while in previous version gamepad extensions were on by
default. We will definitely fix this. Here is how to workaround the
issue:Open a new tab, start typing 'chr' (w/o quote...
Thanks for the report! We are currently investigating the issue. Let me
reassure you: great WebVR support is one of our highest priorities for
the Oculus Browser. I'll report back here as soon as I have more info
about the issue.
Currently, global menu and quit menu could be called by using
IGearVRPlugin::StartOVRGlobalMenu() and
IGearVRPlugin::StartOVRQuitMenu(). You need to get GearVR plugin module
and cast it IGearVRPlugin to make these calls.
So, yeah, it might be a bit counter-intuitive. When you touch the
touchpad first time (in any location), it gives you coordinates
{1280,720}. Now if you slide you finger towards the front panel it will
decrease the X, towards your face - increase the...