Apparently you need people to want a feature before it gets added so
here's a poll. Just discovered a critical bug in your last build? Want
to quickly roll back to a working build while you fix the issue? It's
not possible at the moment but would you...
Hi, We are looking for testers for Pierhead Arcade. Please comment with
your Oculus Home usernames.Instructions:You need an oculus touch.To
interact with the UI or teleport you need to do a point gesture and
press A or X.To rotate the room you press ...
So I've got a test build for my arcade game which uses world space
canvas for UI which works fine on my screen / headset but another person
has reported that the UI doesn't appear for them. I'm using windows 8
and he's using windows 10 but that shoul...
So I've got a test build for my arcade game which uses world space
canvas for UI which works fine on my screen / headset but another person
has reported that the UI doesn't appear for them. I'm using windows 8
and he's using windows 10 but that shoul...
Hi, I need oculus platform room invite testers.Please post what time you
can test and send me any output logs you get from Arcade_Data folder if
it doesn't work.Thanks
I use fixed joints for grabbing which doesn't seem to work for the
mallet using touch. Will probably have to use a different method. Is
everyone else using lerped velocity or something?