Hey guys, it looks like you're cramming a whole lot of features in to
this release! Here's my first impressions with the new Distortion
Renderer code in the new SDK:(Disclaimer: I mostly looked at the D3D9
part of the Distortion Renderer code) I love...
Rift support has been added to the engine (which is still in progress),
you can watch a little video here (and of course, if you own a Rift you
can watch it on your Rift in stereoscopic
3D):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9qJlRO_vT0Rift integration
When running TF2, Valve wants to know (via the "oculus_lens_type"
convar) that you've switched between the A, B, or C cups. From what I've
read in the SDK, there's nearly no mention of them being any different,
so what does Valve do to change their c...
After bringing my Rift to work and having around 25 people try it out
(while changing lenses based on what people liked best) my lenses are
getting a little dusty and smudged. What is a good chemical to clean the
acrylic lenses with that won't damage...
The LibOVR documentation, and of course the LibOVR library itself uses a
right-handed projection matrix and a right-handed view matrix. However,
my game uses D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH and D3DXMatrixLookAtLH to
generate left-handed matrices. Which fu...
The problem is that you have one of the unsupported NVidia Optimus
laptops. Optimus technology is a lot of (hacky) drivermode code that
automatically switches between using the Intel onboard GPU and the
dedicated NVidia GPU. Currently Oculus' drivers...
The Oculus service needs to communicate with the Oculus Config Utility
and any Rift-enabled applications via local TCP socket connections. You
should whitelist both of these programs for TCP send and TCP receive
operations so that they can function p...
A new BSOD from the newer 0.4.1 runtime version of RiftEnabler.sys
( with driver signing time of Thursday, August 7, 2014
6:09:35 PM):7: kd> kb *** Stack trace for last set context -
.thread/.cxr resets itRetAddr : Args to Child : Call
I've the same issue under Windows 8.1. Bluescreen on bootup. Note that
this problem occurs regardless of whether the Rift is plugged in or not
(in fact, you can install these drivers even if you don't own a Rift).It
appears to be a problem with the N...
I think that your renderToQuad() function needs to take into account
which eye it's drawing to. You should reference the OculusWorldDemo and
OculusRoomTiny sample projects that ship with the SDK for more details.