Hi, Since my CV1 is broken and i waite of the Oculus Support, i
connected my DK2 agin to have some VR in the waiting time.I try to
connect my DK2 and also the CV1 on my Microsoft SurfaceBook, but Oculus
Home say No VideoCard detected, sure it has no ...
Whats Up with the Oculus Support Team ?I open a ticket 20days in the
past, My VC1 is defect (a fucking green line)The Support confirmed that
it will replace and the will send me a RMA Number, But nothing..Every
time i replay or open a new ticket it w...
Hi All,This is how i have fix the HeadTracking Problem of TriDef. And
it works AmazingSimple i put a Logitech Air Mouse on my Head
becaue the Touch Controllers are two and it feels for me more pleasant
in my hand.Thinking also about a project like Controlling my PC (non VR)
like vive in Big Screen. But not sure if i can use the Touch Controllers
and the position tracing with out...
How long you wait for your replaced RIFT ?I am on Day46 of waiting
Just as Update@Day45 (15.06.2016) --> Still not solvedI ask the support
since 2 Week if my Return Rift Paket arrived on there site, (i know it
is, see it in the UPS Tracking)But no replay to my ticket since 2
weeks.btw: A HTC Vive has a delivery time...