Surprise ! today I try to upload a new build on RC channel and this
message appear:APK Signed With Signature Schema V3APK is signed with
Signature Scheme V3, which is not yet supported. Please disable signing
with Scheme V3 and upload again.I always ...
Same error for me, updated four oculusGo, for some app working
immediatly, for other message update in progress and doesnt run... After
sometimes (oculus turned on) app works... I really don't understand
why... I realy like if Oculus team was better ...
Hi Spacefrog,As I said, not tested on GearVR, my first words are, HOW to
make this, like others posts in this thread... If it's supported a few
month ago, why is not in documentation ?"I have checked with the teams
involved and support for this is a ...