As titled, is there a way to retrieve the fps in the OculusRoomTiny
example other than merely counting time, frames and doing the division
manually?I tried to do
As titled, I tried to port the 0.4 RoomTiny example to Jogl and it is
still have to fix:- lighting on non-texture geometry- flip it
upside-down- t...
Sorry, I try to search but I did not find anything usefulWhere is the
last firmware? I saw there is a 2.11v and I have 2.10The SDK does have
no /Firmware directory or any other thing called firmware
I am trying to port the RoomTiny example to jogl (Opengl binding for
Java)I dont know DirectX unfortunately, although it looks quite similar
to OpenGL..My question is where the texture is binded to the context
before the draw commandIn the RenderTiny...
"jherico" wrote:It is. It's just communicating with the same runtime
using the same C++ code as in the normal SDK, just wrapped in Java. The
runtime and the device driver are what manage direct mode. The only
caveat is that for direct mode to work yo...
Thanks for your answers, jherico and bluenote "jherico" wrote:You
have to allocate the eye offsets like this: private final OvrVector3f
eyeOffsets[] = (OvrVector3f[])new OvrVector3f().toArray(2);And you have
to initialize them like this: final EyeR...