I'm having some playback problems with both Samsung VR and Oculus Video
after the latest Oculus update ( (55633068)) on my Galaxy
S7.Samsung VR: there is a hitch/jerk about every 3 seconds. This applies
to all the menus, streamed online vi...
In Samsung Gear VR Oculus Video, if there is an even number of video
files in the My Videos thumbnail selection screen, one of the thumbnails
becomes mis-placed in the menu and the user cannot select and play it.
This is possibly because the first it...
I'm writing this post browsing with Firefox, because on Chrome I haven't
been able to log on to forums.oculus.com for months. When I click the
Sign In link, I end up in a stripepd HTML page that looks like
this:Already tried disabling my ad / trackin...
On the Samsung Gear VR I was able to get a nice head-tracked surround
sound working for 5.1 and stereo movies. However when I tried the same
on the Windows Oculus Rift Video app, it doesn't seem to be working.Is
the Fraunhofer Cingo virtual surround ...
The Oculus Video vr theater is already working really well with its
head-tracked surround sound, and the new useful Void theater mode.One
thing I'm still missing is an equidistant view mode, as seen in the PC
Oculus Rift video player LiveViewRift (wh...
I contacted Samsung VR support, and their response was to go to the
phone's app manager, and clear the cache and data of all the Oculus apps
and the Samsung VR app.This worked for Samsung VR: no more hitches
during playback.However, the severe resolu...
If you press and hold the Back button for a few seconds, you can open a
menu where there is a command to recenter the screen. Some apps have
their own recenter commands, such as in Samsung VR where you recenter by
double tapping the back button.
I've seen a couple of updates arrive to the Oculus home / system, but
the problems persist. Samsung VR has not been updated during this time.
Neither Oculus nor the Samung VR team have acknowledged that the issue
exists or that they have reproduced i...
"Posts: 1"I'm sure Oculus are already aware of the issue, I don't think
creating multiple accounts to spam another thread with the
line-on-the-backside topic will improve the situation.
Most of the streamed 360 content suffers from bandwidth limitations so
they end up looking blurry. Especially if they're stereoscopic since
that effectively halves the available resolution. Also, the phone
hardware can only handle so much resolution,...