Hi,I'm looking through the OVRPlayerController script to disable running
with left Touch trigger.I managed to do it easily for Shift keys here,
by changing moveInfluence from 2.0f to 1.0f:// Run!if (dpad_move ||
Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ||
A short VR FPP fantasy game for move controllers, in which you can
swordfight skeletons and cast spells by really speaking to the
microphone.You can also shoot medieval guns and throw stuff around. It’s
core is a small sandbox, where you can train yo...
Hi,In 2012 I started to make Dragon Documentary. This was my second game
ever I tried to build only by myslef. I stopped working on it loong time
ago, but now, I finally realized very clearly, that I'm never going to
"drop everything for about two ye...
Hi,I see dark burnt colors in the DK2. For a split second, they are
normal (like in viewport), and boom, they go darker. For me, it looks
like everything goes darker when low persistance kicks in (it's just my
guess, because in Unity 4, if low persis...
Hi,In Unity 4.6 and 5.0, when using linear color space, everything is
very dark in Rift. It doesn't matter if it's deferred or forward
rendering, DX11 or 9. Linear gives just super dark, burnt out image.
It's the case for both 0.4.2 and 0.4.3 integra...
I created a completly new project in Unity 2018.4.3f1 (the recommended
version), in LWRP.Imported Oculus (Desktop) from package manager - works
fine.Imported Oculus integration 1.38 - "Virtual Reality SDK Oculus
failed to initialize".Some of you wrot...
Yup, Valve sent me Vive a week ago, so I can port this Razer Hydra
game:If you have Hydra you are welcome to try it with Oculus right now
(runtime 0.8), it's free to download:http://www.kubold.com/?page_id=940I
will probably port Heavy Walker to Vive...
Hi,The problem is Razer Hydra is pretty much not available anymore, and
Oculus Touch is not available YET :). So right now would be a strange
time to revive this demo. I'll wait for Touch.
Thanks.I actually hooked myself to Optitrack mocap (proper, optical
mocap with cameras, markers and suit) for full body once. Besides a
little too big latency, the results are kind of perfect. But this not
really usable, setting everything up for one...