I know vorpx doesnt support it but do any other programs support it?
Seems like something that would be perfect for dk2 you could lean in and
everything your sims are doing- if you have full walls up you could look
around to get a better view- make y...
just curious on the subject considering iv seen a couple youtube
comments asking the same and my grandfather also only has vision in one
eye. I know it won't work for a immersed 3d effect obviously but is
there any difference than just looking at a n...
Whenever i get my dk2 i was wondering a regular steeling wheel like the
"thrustmaster 458 italia" (90$) would be able to still give me that
immersed effect in the game or do i really need the force feedback
shifter clutch (G27) package to get the ful...
I actually heard about this on a NCIX video and it got me interested but
i can't help by feel as if microsoft would release kinect 2.0 (like the
original) on PC it might allow for a cheaper less clunky solution they
are not even really selling it wit...
"staplerz" wrote:Date: Mar 22, 2014 12:12 AM PDTStatus:PROCESSING:Your
order has been checked out for shipping and will be shipped in the next
batch. We'll send you a notification once it's shipped.Location: Orange
County, CAHmm I ordered mine 2-3 da...
"njbengals85" wrote:March 21st 3:30 East Coast New Jersey order...been
"processing" for a few days now. I didn't mind the July delay but now
that I am so close to getting it...the wait is driving me crazy! Just
ship it! Haha. First thing Im doing is ...
Order ID: GK-0160065Date: Mar 22, 2014 01:07 PM PDTStatus:READY:We've
successfully processed the payment and information for your order. It
will be shipped as soon as the items are available in stock. can't
wait till it says processing bout to :? :...
Date: Mar 22, 2014 01:07 PM PDTStatus:PENDING:Your order is pending.
Please see the reason(s) below.Detail(s): Your order is awaiting
inventory before it can be fulfilled. We will notify you when it's about
to be shipped.kinda hope i would make it in...