I've noticed I can only use Oculus Integration in the Asset Store for
Unity. When downloading and importing 1.30.1 and then restarting as
required, Unity crashes.The following is the start of the crash log
file:Unity Editor [version: Unity
Hi All,Using the controller on the Go (or Gear VR) is there a suggested
way to be able to move in a scene (either by locomotion or
teleportation) and also be able to point select and grab items also?
Everything I'm finding seems to do one or the othe...
Hi All,What version of Unity are you developing with? I've been using
mostly 2017.3 and almost every time I have an issue is appears that it's
something that has been introduced in 2017.xAre people persisting with
2017.x or are they sticking with a v...
I have found that using OVR Utilities Plugin 1.19 I am able to either
add the OVRPlatformMenu script to the scene, or listen for any of
these:if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.Back) ||
OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.Two) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode....
I've developed my first Gear VR app in Unity, am I able to have this app
available on the Google Play Store or can they only be available on the
Oculus Store?If it is possible to have the app on the Google Play Store
I'll then ask a few questions reg...
I sent a crash report to Unity - they said it was a duplicate issue to
Hi @imperativity I had the machine wiped and have admin access but it
still persists. I found an project using Oculus 1.27 and it worked
fine.I was able though to test on 2 other PCs and they had no issue.Can
hardware cause this error?
Interesting, I've had issues like the back button not working (which
I've posted about and was confirmed as a known issue
plus things like having to ent...