Hello,I created a new mobile App, filled all the required informations
for the store submission.Since the apk is 280Mo sized, the only way to
upload the build to the store is to use ovr-platform-util.However, since
last friday (20th Sptember 2019), I...
The problem was due to the apk package name. In fact, I was using a
package name that I already used to another app in our Organization.To
be able to upload the build, I had to rename the package name in the
manifest file and choose a name that hasn'...
bmoodyP3 said: I had to create a new app for this to work.That didn't
work. I created a new App and tried to upload the build there, but still
got the same error. I even tried to upload a build of an existing app
(that's to say a build that I success...
Hello!It has been 2 weeks and I still get the same error. Looks like the
problem occures only when uploading a first build in a new App.Has
anyone resolved this? Why isn't the Oculus Staff reacting on it?