We recently upgraded our project to Unity 5.6.4p2 from 5.6.1f1. We're
noticing now when we toggle VRSettings.enabled from false to true the
positional tracking gets really jumpy. Everything else in the scene is
running at frame rate. Hands rendering ...
I'm trying to be able to leave and enter VR at runtime. I've noticed if
I set VRsettings.enabled = true and then back to false MSAA is no longer
applied.I've also noticed odd behavior from ImageEffects when entering
and then exiting VR. It results in...
Has anybody successfully used Unity's occlusion culling?Having trouble
and the behavior is in line with this:
have wor...
What do the auto update settings in the Android Oculus app do? I'd like
to stop getting interrupted mid demo for Oculus updates, but would like
some more clarity into what each setting does. Thanks!
i'm trying to debug some judder on GearVR and noticed that where it's
prevalent I see the following log warning:WarpToScreen: Nothing to
DrawThis is recent for me as I've started to experiment with unity 5.4.
Prior to this I was on unity 4 and had no...
Looks like the source of the bug is the OVRPlugin.dll. If we revert back
to OVRPlugin v 1.14 everything works fine, but 1.24 and up has this bug.
You can see the Rift tracking is working just fine, but something
interfacing with Unity is really chopp...
Update: we've actually narrowed it down to it not being unity but being
a bug introduced by the Oculus Utils. We were previously on Unity utils
1.13 and 1.24 introduces the bug when toggling VR on/off.
no solution from Oculus. We built our own in house system for
distributing to GearVR's belonging to our customers and auto adding
OSIGs to APKs. For Oculus Go we're biting the bullet and submitting to
the store.