Are there any sort of tools or API hooks developers can use to share
statuses from in-game using Oculus VR?Is the Oculus VR account
accessible in games and is it hooked up to our social media profiles?Or,
will the user have to be taken to a web brows...
When editing a project, Torque3D should be added as an option as opposed
to selecting Other Engine.It's open source, free as in beer and speech,
and supports Oculus Rift.
Right now there's one huge barrier to adoption in Second Life: the lag.
It's slow even on the fastest PC. To get graphics as good as some of
those screenshots posted above, you would need a hell of a computer. I'm
not even sure with that it would be ...
"candiedbug" wrote:One thing that bothers me a little is Linden Labs
itself. Do we want a private company with profit in mind to be in
control of the "go to" VR multi-user experience? Pros Cons?If we want VR
spaces to have a common way of trans-versi...
Is it more accurate to say that if your number is < 47000 then your
order number IS indicative of your ship schedule?My thoughts are that
the order numbers have nothing to do with who gets the first couple
batches: they'll be sending them out to YouT...