ICEMAN_2049 said: Is there a full hajj VR experience yet? that would be
pretty awesome if there was! or even just a live view experience near
kaaba in vr.
Definitely one of my most favourite VR games that I've played so far,
and yes i have played quite a few!!Absolutely love the level design and
how everything is so huge! Really liked the combat, i think its good
that the rpg elements were kept simple,...
this game looks great, i will try play on my oculus rift soon hopefully.
Definitely a game i have to play on my list.Is there going to be a HTC
vive update with the controllers?
maybe i will continue to play eve valkyrie until i get bored of it and
then switch over to elite dangerous after that, even if there is no
story i am still happy just to ride around in space for the vr eye candy
and do some tasks/missions etc... Is t...