Hey everyone,i've seen the problem described in a few threads. But it
seems no one has a good solution. I've got the new Rift S. But after
using it a while (between a few seconds and a minute) the screen starts
to flicker and then goes black. The sim...
Hey everybody,a friend of mine and myself developed a camera system that
synchronizes with the OculusRift. It falls in the category of Moved
Reality Systems. Check it out and tell me what you think of it. btw the
blog is in german but i think the Goo...
I have a Dark Power Pro 11 850W, Intel Core i7 and a GTX 980Ti. My HMD
would shut down after a minute or so. USB power settings did not help.
Support did not know what to do for over a month. Had to get a refund.
@MartenNL Yes i tried two or three different drivers.@paulhotline I
think i tried the volume at 40 and 30 percent and headphones. At least i
got the refund without problems
Oculus support suggested file and memory checks and eventually a Windows
10 reinstall.Nothing helped. I've just asked for a refund. I'am really
Hello @sraura,Updating the motherboard drivers did not help.Oculus
support is still suggesting reinstalling oculus software (like i did not
do that 5 times over now)A friend of mine mentioned problems with his
Rift (CV1 i think) at the beginning beca...