Hi there, does anyone know how can I get some amazing 360 paintings from
a Facebook group into the GearVR public gallery?I wish I was able to see
them directly on the GearVR app from this FB group
Hi everybody, I'm working on a game controller built into my Android
smartphone that can give me back the orientation. The problem I'm trying
to solve is that when I walk around, the forward key follows the camera
orientation which is based on the ri...
I was able to get around this issue by switching from OpenXR to Oculus
plugin. Will switch back when it's fixed. Right now I'm happy because I
can finally do some useful debugging and it also works with RenderDoc
What do you mean by spreading phones in different body parts? Something
like skeleton sensing for inverse kinematics? Anyway remember that this
doesn't have a positional tracking and the precision is not the best
ever :mrgreen: Because of the magneti...