So I'm using a 3D printer tonight and I'm stuck for stuff to print so
i'm wondering if anyone has anything they would like printed to see how
it comes out or if it works on the CV1 etc.Here's a couple of leap
motion clips I printed on the same machin...
Hi guys! I was wondering if there is a section on here for all these
updates people seem to find on reddit?I'm not a reddit user and I come
here for news as this is the Oculus forum. I hate to create more work
for you but If there isn't something spe...
Does anyone have any information about the changable foam inserts?Is
anyone offering a service for face scanning and production of completely
custom inserts? Are Oculus developing a set of inserts that will fit
specific shapes or will they be adjusta...
Just a heads-up! Looks like the kickstarter orders are being generated.
I just received an email confirming my preorder. The order number is
crazy long. I hope I'm not nearly 7 millionth in the queue =P
I really wasn't impressed with mine. In fact I don't even use them. It's
not that they don't offer any extra comfort, it's more that they are
uncomfortable as there are areas that have wrinkled layers of cotton
which translate as lumps and bumps when...
DaftnDirect said: I find I'm not bothering to put my cover on. I was
hoping for a tighter all-round fit instead of really just being held on
at the upper sides, maybe with elasticated stitching.... I'm not keen on
the way the bottom ends up resting o...
Holy crap! This would be great with motion controllers. I really want a
shooter where you move using an analogue sticks and aim gun with the
controllers. There's nothing worse than having to stand still all the
I picked up mine today (missed it last wednesday). I can't say I'm
overly impressed with them. I somehow though they would fit better. If I
have mine in place on the top it sets off the proximity sensor...