I have submitted my application already, but I have a few more things to
say.I will be in Singapore September 1 - 8 and Vietnam September 8 -
September 30, but will still have access to Internet. I mention this in
the case that I have to respond as a...
I finally submitted the build to Oculus (meeting all the requirements
turned out more challenging and slower than I thought), but I succeeded.
Getting the required certificate took me a while to figure out (first
timer); used Android Studio to genera...
As I said I would, I focused on the following items1) vision description
and timeline for future of content2) pitch describing how funds would be
usedI don't dare describe any details here, but simply I say this.
PHOBOS needs more scenes (a lot more)...
So last week I was complaining about the vehicular traffic simulation
not working. It turns out that after porting the scenes, I had forgotten
to update the Physics Manager's collision matrix with the correct
settings. This determines which game obje...
I spent the past week attempting to port PHOBOS to the Android Platform.
It wasn't easy and extremely slow. As I reported last week, the first
attempt at porting simply didn't work (and the whole project was around
8 GB). So after being frustrated a ...
Pressing the randomize button any number of times will get you only
female avatars, which is what I am experiencing too even though on
Facebook I've been designated a male ever since I joined. Sure you can
try to choose features that would make you l...
This asset Rewired has excellent support for the gamepad handed out at
Oculus (SteelSeries Stratus XL for Android):
https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21676This is what I am
using to support all the input for my application. Simply turn...
Hi Erica. This water is from a prefab found in the Unity Standard Assets
Environment package (Water subfolder: Water4Advanced). I have not yet
tested this on the Android device. As for Android build failing, I
decided to start a new Unity project in ...
Regarding scale...units are arbitrary, but based on default settings in
Unity, a unit is a meter. Using this scale ensures that gravity and any
other physics you put into the environment appears to work correctly.
For assets, there are many free and ...