since ‎01-29-2019

User Statistics

  • 25 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 4 Kudos received

User Activity

What the hell has happened to the guardian. Telling me to set it up again, sees floor level, click roomscale boundary and trying to draw my full room and it won't let me. O lying let's me do 3/4 length of my room even though I just did room setup. On...
We know that quest can connect to pc and play pcvr. Why can't we load quest games on my pc and play with my rift s. Where that function. Why isn't it there?
Upgraded pc to mortar 550 motherboard, and ryzen 3700x with m.2 storage, rtx 3060. Saying my pc don't meet minimum specs lol. Plays fine, but message there everytime i start oculus.
Just upgraded GPU to rtx3060 and now everything lags.Can't play games. Frame rate jumping around. Ran fine on gtx1070
Had game for 3 days now. Never finds any servers to join in a game.Can't believe nobody is playing it lol.It's allowed through my firewall. Just never ever finds any games to join.Any fix? Or is nobody playing multi-player
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