Honored Guest
since ‎03-29-2013

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Not sure what lawyers have to say about this, but maybe showing the health and safety warning only once per day (or at least per hour) would be enough from a legal standpoint. The warning gets *REALLY* annoying after a while when seeing it a dozen ti...
While doing some frame time profiling I noticed that from time to time (at worst every few secs) ovr_SubmitFrame takes about twice the time to return than normally, i.e. it seems to skip a frame. The actual rendering in my prog takes less than 500 mi...
I'm not sure whther this really qualifies as a bug, but I just spent an hour wondering why I suddenly wasn't able to initialize the tracker, until I realized that the Oculus Configuration Utility was open, which prevented the initialization from succ...
vorpX is a stereoscopic 3d-driver that allows you to play existing games on the Rift. It is specifically geared towards the Rift and offers various features to tackle inherent issues that arise when you play games on the Rift that are not designed fo...