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Hi,I get OpenGL to work but I dont know how to get the Oculus SDK 1.32 to work with OpenGLI get a problem with textureSwapChain = 0; swap_chain_desc = {}; swap_chain_desc.Type = ovrTexture_2D; swap_chain_desc.ArraySize = 1; swap_chain_desc.Format = O...
Hi I am trying to use Python code by Jherico ( the program is called but I changed the library for the one of wwwtyro ( SDK 0.3.2,...
Hi I have connected two live actual cameras to present 2D images on the left and right eyes on half of the screen in Oculus Rift DK2. I however stumble on some change on the depth of the "A" lenses. When I see the image on computer screen the depth l...
Hi I am trying to map image through openGL texture, but it only becomes a background image? I am doing following:eyeRenderViewport[0].Pos = OVR::Vector2i(0, 0);eyeRenderViewport[0].Size = OVR::Sizei(renderTargetSize.w / 2, renderTargetSize.h);eyeRend...
I am currently running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with 64 bit and 23 GB memory. The graphic card is GeForce GTX 560 ti with dual DVI-I and Mini-HDMI outputs. On the computer I am running stereo view for VR1280 Head Mounted Display in Linux with Nvidia Server. ...