Just came home to have a play, and found that one sensor was showing
issues, reporting an 8008 problem.Unplugged, moved to another port etc
but the problem remained.Had to reboot the system to get it to work
again.Most odd.Anyone seen this before?
Just had my first run at SS VR, and after trying the first level on
Normal, I shall be leaving it on Easy for a good time yet.To say the
Bomb Runners scare the crap out of me is an understatement, and turning
your head to see that a huge scorpion has...
Hi ya,Just a little heads up to anyone trying to setup SteamVR Room
Scale with the touch controllers. During the setup, it asks you to place
the controllers on the floor, followed by the "Guardian" Room Walk with
one of them to map the area.When I fi...
Hi ya,I know we are still due to be shipped the 3rd sensor, but I was
wondering if anyone had an idea on the distance the rear 3rd (or even
4th) sensor can be.The front two need to be 6ft apart of they moan.
After repeating the test I manged to get 8...
Well, personally I have 3 Monitors and the Rift plugged into my PC and
no problems at all. The Main and Secondary Monitor are plugged into the
primary GTX 980 alongside the CV1, while the third monitor is plugged
into the second 980. Works a treat.
The issue with the Steam VR Room Setup is that the Sensors go into
Standby if they cannot see the Headset - as shown by the little light on
the top. So if you put the headset down during setup they go off.As
such, you either need to put them in sight...
Anything other than more shooting game. Seeing too many Touch based
games with guns at the moment.An RTS could be interesting with the Rift
and Touch controllers.
If only they would sort ouf the galaxy map controls in VR I'd go back to
it, but its such a pain in the rear to navigate compared to using a
mouse. #TouchSupportForED *hint hint*
Just my opinion, but the cable is too short. Adding a 2 meter HDMI and
USB3 extension cable with some velcro cable ties has improved the "trip
hazard" by loads. Obviously depends where your PC is located, but me for
its a must.