Anyone else who has their DK2 notice a sort of narrow band of pixels
running from top-to-bottom in the center of both eyes where it's just
very slightly dimmed? It has a slight curve to it, almost like an hour
glass where it's fatter at the top and n...
The advice from KisakiRose worked for me. Turned off my Ethernet adapter
in the Network Connections control panel. The download speed on the
installer fell to 0 and then I turned the adapter back on. Worked like
Actual legal investment and stock ownership of average Oculus fan =
0%Actual emotional investment of average Oculus fan = 9600%The hate is
just because people got the two numbers confused. They all seem to think
they owned the company, but really the...
"darren" wrote:Who here thinks the 1950's were the peak of American
civilized culture?Not to be a troll... But only to comment that, in a
multi-faceted entity, each facet proceeds at varied pace, and indeed
some facets deteriorate. While many things ...
"Atreyu" wrote:"Valez" wrote:Here is a very long and in-depth review of
iRacing, with all it's problems and good
sides: the
non-Nascar car physics seems to be pretty crappy and doesn't seem to...
How will it change society?We can finally travel long distances and
expand throughout space using robotic android avatars that would be
controlled by humans on earth. Yes, just like James Cameron thought up.
That actually will be a reality someday.