I understand ASW only works on the 900series and up (I don't understand
this restriction but whatever). Does ATW still work on older cards 780ti
or has it been removed? I've been getting judder reminiscent of the dk2
days in a couple of games that we...
I would like to use my flight stick for Eve Valkyrie and my G27 for vr
karts. I can't find any controller config options in either of these
games. I googled g27 support for vr karts and found that it was
supported so decided to purchase. Was this axe...
I just received my CV1 yesterday evening. I've decided to postmy
thoughts on it from the perspective of a DK2 user with hundreds of hours
ofplay time (mainly in Elite Dangerous). I found many reviews written by
excited firsttime VR users exaggerated ...
Did anyone else feel there was a few awkward moments in Brendan's
presentation that seemed as though he paused for applause but a tumble
weed blew by? Especially the silence when the rift itself was revealed.
I really thought they were done for when ...
I had the exact same issue. I was initially able to make it app more
comfortable by adding a small counter weight to the back. This way i
could loosen the straps an have all the weight on the top strap. I've
recently bought vr cover facial interface....
I felt like the cv1 was more of a sidestep than a big improvement. Sde
is reduced but I didn't like the separate rectangular display areas.
Initially I kept noticing a gap between screens which isn't in the dk2.
I also found the dk2 more comfortable ...
Had the same problem, couldn't wear it more than 30mins without sore
cheeks. I tape a counter weight (about 150g) on the back of the rift and
it's super comfortable now. Try it yourself by just pulling a tiny bit
down on the triangle with your finger...
Project card and most games on steam use the oculus API (not steam vr)
when using the rift. So they work just as well as buying from the oculus
store. Some sneakily have the oculus icon but only use steam vr (Ethan
carter) but I've been able to get a...