Greetings. I work in a middle school and we recently purchased four,
Oculus Quest 2 headsets. We are looking for some educational apps that
can go hand-in-hand with what our students are learning about. Before we
purchased the headsets, we fell in lo...
Hello. I am a middle school librarian and my school just purcahsed 4,
Quest 2s. I am trying to find some really neat educational VR apps that
would tie nicely into what our students ate learning about,
specifically, topics like the ancient world (Gre...
Greetings.I work in a middle school and we are thinking about getting
around 35-40 standalone VR headsets mostly to enhance our curriculum. I
do have a few questions I was hoping those here may be able to answer:A
few months back, prior to Covid, we ...
Hello.I have read through a few threads regarding being able to put the
Go into Kiosk Mode.Some of the threads get into things that are pretty
technical and deal with coding. Is there an official app yet that will
do this or has anyone discovered a s...
Hello.I was wondering if there is a way or method to be able to cast
muitple Go headsets to a Windows computer at the same time?Also, is
there a way to limit what kids can access, like parental controls or
anything similar?If not, is there a better V...
Another question:If we purchase an app, does that mean it will be
available for all students to use or do multiple purchases need to be
made? 40 head sets = 40 purchases for a single app. Hope that makes
I do know that the Go has 3-DoF vs 6. Does that mean that using the Go,
students would be essentially sitting/standing in one area since with
3-DoF, users' whole bodies cannot physically move about the area?
So, if I am understanding correctly, I could have a computer or laptop
setup next to the user, stream the video to facebook, set the stream to
private and those present could watch what the user is experiencing.Is
that right?Thanks for the quick resp...