Hi there, I'm using SceneManager.LoadScene() to switch between scenes in
my Unity build for Quest. The title screen works fine, but then as soon
as I trigger the scene change the game gets stuck on a black screen. Any
idea of what might be causing th...
Okay thank you that's helpful info. Out of curiosity, what is the
difference between what the SDK does in OnShareButtonPressed() and
OnShareComplete() and what Mirror does in SendAnchorsToServer()? I guess
when you share an anchor it publishes the an...
Hey @Shavier , the only part I'm stuck on is how to save and retrieve
the OculusIDs from the server. I noticed in the Photon example the
saving and retrieval of the IDs involves merging the IDs into a hash and
then splitting them up again. It seems c...
This sample scene is really strange. Sometimes it shares anchors
successfully and sometimes it doesn’t. When it doesn’t there’s not error
message or timeout, the anchors just never appear in the Player 2 scene.
I’m not even sure what to troubleshoot....
I'm having difficulties too. Does anyone know if two headsets that have
the same userID can use the shared spatial anchors example? Not sure if
this is the problem but I have multiple headsets but only one Meta