I'm developing a VR multiplayer online space shooter for mobile ( and
desktop ).Feedback and questions in this thread are welcome. The game
will hopefully be going onto GearVR later this year or early 2016,
whenever Oculus engine integration gets d...
Hey All,I'm devving a multiplayer online shooter for GearVR.It uses a
custom UDP client server system for the online play. Which is all but
finished and works well.At the moment it is running with simple IIR
filters to do smoothing/prediction, which ...
Hello to any that may know:[Q1]Is there any approximate date for
European paid stores opening?[Q2]Will Oculus GearVR store eventually
have in app purchases, if so, approximately when?[Q3]What are the future
plans for the store with regard to adverts?...
Optimal strategy taken by google because phones are ubiquitous. I have
said before phone manufacturers need to make VR ready phones, that means
good low latency sensors and possibly stereo cams. And Android needs low
latency GPU pipeline enabling at ...
It sounds real nice but they should just make a decent universal phone
HMD and then phone manufacturers should start releasing phones with low
latency pipelines running from IMU to screen. Few people can afford new
phones AND new mobile VR devices ev...
Next iteration of OSVR HDK (HackerDevelopmentKit) headset retailed by
Razer will have integrated LEAP device as option.LEAPs latest Orion
driver does a fantastic job of tracking hands and fingers when LEAP is
mounted to HMD faceplate. So good that th...
Aldha said: "Touch has not been authorized as required by the rules of
the Federal Communications Commission. Touch is not, and may not be,
offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is
obtained."Release: H2 2016https://www.ocu...